If you’re a history buff, then come on down to Munfordville, Kentucky. Here you’ll find a remarkable amount of history from the U.S. Civil War and the very interesting role Kentucky played it in. Although Kentucky was a border state and declared its neutrality at the onset of the war, the Confederacy wanted to absorb it just the same. After all, there was a confederate shadow government in place and Kentucky sent more troops to fight for the South than it did for the North. That said, its neutrality was a matter of record. The Battle of Munfordville took place here and there are numerous historic points of interest throughout the community dating back to it. There were also numerous confederate, union, and guerrilla raids throughout the Commonwealth. Munfordville and other cities in Hart County have tons of history!
On Saturday, January 7th 2023, I had the pleasure of touring Munfordville for ExploringKentucky.com and got some amazing footage. The Hart County courthouse is exceptionally beautiful with excellently-maintained grounds and tons of learning opportunities. There are numerous benches laid out for guests to sit in, whether to take in the sights, read a book, or just interact. The landscape couldn’t be neater and the surrounding shops create a very upbeat, small town, and hospitable vibe throughout the county seat. If you visit here, be sure to have your phones, cameras, and/or camcorders ready. You’ll have plenty memories to make and plenty great shots to capture. Also, the locals are extremely nice, motorists are very considerate with pedestrians, and everything seems exceptionally orderly. That said, I didn’t see a single police officer in sight, which makes me think the community does their fair share of keeping an eye on things.

Don’t get me wrong, I love law enforcement and respect the very noble work they do, but it takes a village to have a successful city. Munfordville is an example of this because the residents take pride in their community. You won’t find any litter here, there’s no graffiti, and there’s no riff raff making trouble or creating a scene. The city and the county have done their homework. You will love visiting, and who knows, you may never want to leave.
Oh and before I forget, Munfordville is also site of a blossoming Amish community. There’s an Amish settlement that was started near here in 1989 and during my brief visit I was able to see several horse-pulled buggies throughout the city. The Amish are some of the hardest-working, most honest, and upstanding citizens in our fine land. It’s so awesome that they’ve chosen Hart County to call home.
If you’re looking for a great place to visit, you’ll be very happy to come down to Munfordville. Also be sure to check out the Munfordville Civil War Reenactments, visit Battle for the Bridge Preserve, and by all means join Hart County Happening Now! – Kentucky (Facebook Group).
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