Scott County Archives - Exploring Kentucky Sun, 13 Oct 2024 21:47:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Scott County Archives - 32 32 A Walk In Stamping Ground, Kentucky Sun, 13 Oct 2024 21:45:03 +0000 On Saturday, September 7th 2024, I had the pleasure of walking and filming a video for in Stamping Ground, Scott County, Kentucky. The town was named over the noise of “the stamping of thousands of hooves of impatient buffalo waiting to drink from Buffalo Spring.” (1) It’s a very

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On Saturday, September 7th 2024, I had the pleasure of walking and filming a video for in Stamping Ground, Scott County, Kentucky. The town was named over the noise of “the stamping of thousands of hooves of impatient buffalo waiting to drink from Buffalo Spring.” (1) It’s a very quiet and friendly community that would be a great place to live for folks who work bigger cities just a rock’s throw from there.

The Yuppie Puppy

Stamping Ground is a cute small town in Kentucky, but I must confess, The Yuppie Puppy won me over. Now, anytime I think of this cozy community in Scott County, I’ll always think of this amazing pet salon. They’d do very well in a big city like Louisville or Lexington, but the fact they’re in the heart of this rural community is truly a blessing. In addition to the great work that they do (which I saw with my very eyes and which you’ll see on the video), they opened their doors to me and showed pure southern hospitality. They’re great representatives and ambassadors for City of Stamping Ground.

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Sadieville – A Kentucky Railroad Town Sat, 18 May 2024 18:09:00 +0000 Welcome to a real Kentucky railroad town. Sadieville is small, cozy town in Scott County. Be sure to read our article and watch our video for

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Sadieville is your typical small town with an interesting twist. It has a cute town center, it has its own post office, and a few small businesses. It’s far-removed from the hustle and bustle of the big city, but in reality it’s only about 28 miles from Lexington, Kentucky’s second largest city. That being said, those thirty minutes of drivetime are enough to make you feel like you’re a way’s away from all of that. There’s nothing wrong with skyscrapers and packed roadways, but there’s something to be said about low pace country living. I don’t know how many people actually work in Sadieville, but when folks come home, their biggest problems probably involve having to mow the lawn or it being laundry day. This is an ideal place to raise a family and live life peacefully.

But wait, what’s the twist?

Well, this may come as a huge surprise to you but Sadieville is a railroad town. Everything seems to have a focus on railroads, trains, train cars and the like. Cincinnati is less than 60 miles north and although Lexington is far closer, Cincinnati’s influence is far stronger. Even the few minutes I was exploring the community, a huge train rolled by on the elevated track. In any other situation the noise of the train would have taken away from the video, but something about it just felt right. I saw plenty of cars, but not a soul walking outside. Granted, it was an early Saturday morning, maybe 9 or 10 AM, but just the same. The only sound in town was that train and it just seemed like any other normal day.

The drive into town is pretty scenic, with a pretty sharp turn that leads vehicles through an underpass unlike anything I’ve ever really seen before. It seems like there’s a good sidewalk leading into the underpass, but I don’t recall it getting you to the other side. And even if it does, I don’t know how pedestrian-friendly this entry into town is. Walk it, but becareful! There’s a little bit of the city on the other side, but the vast majority of the town is on one side.

Sadieville has a fire department that they’re very proud of. I’ve included its historic bell, located in the town center. I didn’t see any signs of a police department, but the city may in fact have one. Upon a closer look online, it seems that the City converted the old waste water treatment plant into the new police station. The source site states there’s both a public safety commissioner and a police chief.

While walking around town I stumbled across city hall as well. I found the building’s exterior to be very unique, as well as a mural down the opposite end of the street. I’ve included both shots in this article so you may say them as well. This small town was founded way back in 1880 and has been registered in the National Register of Historic Places by the Department of the Interior.

If you find yourself in the area, by all means stop by and check out Sadieville. It’s certainly a gem in Scott County. Also be sure to visit nearby Georgetown, the county seat. Georgetown has nothing to do with railroad, but it’s one of the Commonwealth’s most artistic cities. There you will find many breathtaking historic homes and a number of antique shops. Also, be sure to skip visiting Lexington, which is the heart of this region. Well, everywhere except Sadieville, because as we said earlier, Sadieville is a Cincinnati town deep in Kentucky.

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